
There some powerful trends emerging in the world of recruitment, and whether you are the head of a human resources department tasked with hiring executives for your company, or you just want to make sure your firm’s recruiting efforts are focused in a way that maximizes exposure to great prospective employees, understanding the basics of what is happening in the recruiting world is important.

Keep your door open

In the past, many companies only advertised open positions when they had a need. This habit limited the pool of applicants to those seeking employment during that exact time. Now, it is just important to seek potential candidates for positions that may be open in the future.

Networking allows you to evaluate potential employees before the urgency of filling a position sets it. Don’t limit your range; include students close to graduating from school, qualified candidates who aren’t currently looking for a different job, and people who are a great match but may not have all of the necessary certifications for a particular position.

Your organisation’s success is dependent upon the success of new hires. Being able to speak intelligently about your company’s mission, its values, and its goals is a crucial part of recruiting and hiring people who share that vision.

Focus your efforts

Growth and transformation depend heavily on recruiting and developing talent. Your company needs highly productive employees who are excited about growth.

What are firms that need to hire new employees focused on right now?

  • Reaching sought-after candidates before they are pursued by competitors
  • Using the power of social media to locate and make a connection with potential candidates
  • Shifting the recruiting focus from shuffling paperwork (reading and filing resumes) to actively headhunting for the most qualified candidates
  • Reducing the use of job boards
  • Hiring the right person for the job to reduce the financial risk associated with turnover

For more information about how the recruiting process is changing, and how Wahoo Recruitment helps our clients find great new employees from a group of talented candidates, please contact us.

Published On: February 5th, 2016 / Categories: Uncategorised /

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